Sunday, December 15, 2013

Force: A Spoken Word

Force: defined as mass times acceleration
It’s what brings you down to earth, what makes you so grounded.
What takes you from the stars but gives you the fruits of the trees
And the suns of the rising skies.

Force: defined as a metaphysical power that guides the most formidable. 
Only worthy of the strongest of adversaries, of enemies.
A path of life to walk, it is.
The most gifted, it is only for.

Force: defined as something that places you on earth
That lets you live here and is a gentle source.
That could take anything away from you
But it doesn’t because it is benevolent.

Force: defined as strength.
Strength to keep to your morals
Even when others try to push you
Down into the ground and eat crushed rocks and the decomposed of you loved ones.
And force: defined as pressure, you to
Sway under the mighty wave of your society, your environment
To do the things you do not want to do
And make you see things you don’t want to see.

Force: defined as something that moves you.
Something that can pick you up with the slightest of breeze
Brings your families together
But also tears them apart.
The warm air replaced with chills and picture frames
Creak under the force: defined as pressure, of the boot
As they force: defined as movement against your will, you from their arms
They force: defined as swaying of the mind against your will, you to hate them
So when you see family, they are no longer family.

Force: defined power that can move you.
Something that has the power to push us under
The weight of its underbelly crushing your bones.
Your skeleton cannot hold the force: defined as mass times acceleration equals weight,
And exerts force: defined as pressure, onto your breaking spirit.

Force:  defined as power, strength, the moral of man that will move you.
Will push you onto the ground and force: defined as an action against your will, you to obey.

Force: defined as an action against your will, your ancestors into gas chambers
Into crypts, in front of firing squads, murder 6 million of your people and 5 million more.

Force: defined as an action against your will, will drop a nuclear stone out of the sky
And poison the mist, poison  the flower, poison your neighbors, your loved ones.

Force: defined as an action against your will, will round you up, tear you from your home
Burn it to the ground, and when you come back,
The charred rooms, the blackened walls, the singed ovens,
Will force: defined as an action against your will, you to cry, weep, a tear rolling down the
Bridge of your nose and plant the seed of life into the ground.

Force: defined as violence used against people.
Defined as military power.
Defined as terroristic power.
Defined as power to be wielded against you. 

Force: defined as mass times acceleration
What brings you down to earth, what makes you so grounded.
What takes you from the stars and gives you the fruits of the trees
And the suns of the rising skies.

Force: defined as a metaphysical power that guides the most formidable. 
Only worthy of the strongest of adversaries, of enemies.
A path of life to walk, it is.
The most gifted, it is only for.

May the force be with you

Monday, December 9, 2013

Running: Spoken Word

Step after step pounds the rough barren pavement.
Each one resounds in a loud bang like fireworks.
I pass them quickly, a place replacement
They hide in the piano.  Silently, they lurk.
Faster and farther I go I feel enlightened, lighter, stronger,
Hercules molded out of clay and gold
Prized strength and bravery.
I hum to the melody of my piano
Beside the road, inside my soul.
A symphony to my ears.
I am a mess.  I wake up with blankets on the floor
Mismatch of too big too small clothes cling to me
An abundance of pens and pencils leafed through a shortage of papers.
Too many carbs, not enough veggies on my plate
And my room is something from the devil’s closet. 
But when I run, I feel like everything matches,
Everything is orderly.  Everything is meshed together perfectly. 
I train for the race that is coming closer and seemingly more
It’s for my mindset I run out into the sunset
To catch the leaders.  I step forward
So my body has a destination to journey to
And my friends, teammates, family follow along beside me. 
I race because I know it’s the only thing that lets me
Cry solitude, stay sane, escape.  I run away from darkness.
I run away from the illusions that plagued
My soul is a broken piano, playing the tunes of a fantasy world.
The illusions play me, my soul, the sheet music in front of them to
Enact a story before my eyes that leave me catatonic
To the melody.  The bass clef ensnares me to the beat of the low octave
As treble comes closer to me.  The ones who I call friends, family, strangers
Beat me with the long end of the quarter notes,
Trap me in the staffs and speak
In shrill, high keys.
I am worthless, weak,
A coward.  I am not loved.
They torture me with off-key notes
And push me off into the wild, unwritten pieces to be eaten or burned
And my cries for help, to stop only fuel their pleasure.
But I tell them to keep going because
In a sick fascination I did not enjoy them
But I felt addicted to the music, I needed them, I craved them.
The beating coming from the brass chords
Beneath the lid of the piano painted with my cries of despair
Made me complete, I exalted grace and glory and pain and emptiness.
And finally my screams pierce the heavens and break the piano.
My first foot forward cuts on the broken glass and wooden splinters.
And the faster, farther they move, the more the pain goes away.
I run to shut their music out.  I run so they do not play my piano anymore.
They’re not strong enough to hurt me or fast enough to chase me.
I run to play my own music,
My heart beats to the repeat-peat-peat of my steps
My arms swing with the metronome of the 4/4th signature
Speeding on the course to the end.
I sprint across the finish line.
The piano has been abandoned.
The piano has been repaired.

And a masterpiece has been born.